Friday, December 28, 2012

Lazy About Writing!

I had lots of pent up fee-fees to write about.  I am not even sure I remember them all.

Mostly things about how I was down. But things are looking up.

I had a laundry list of things I wanted to do when I finished school.  And although mostly I've been lazy, there are some things that just NEVER got done.  I have yet to start a youtube channel documenting local historical sites or monuments.  I have yet to road trip anywhere further than Miami.  I didn't do a lot of things.

But I have done some things.  I am a new blogger for a music site.  I haven't reviewed anything just yet, but I do have four albums lined up.  I worked on some stuff for my other blog.  I have read a small wheelbarrow load of books.  I've done a ton of errands.  I worked out a lot and lost 4 lbs (which I gained back, thanks asshole Christmas food.)  I made a bunch of Christmas gifts and bought everyone tons of gifts.

Awesome. For some reason, I keep skimping on writing on this blog though.  I keep writing and browsing the internet a ton though.  It's obnoxious that I love to write and keep signing on to more writing projects, but I hate how much I sit around on the computer.  Hrmph.

I wanted to write some reviews of museums I've been to- the American Natural History Museum in DC and more recently, the Dali Museum in St. Pete, which recently moved to its new, beautiful home.  I wanted to touch on J.K Rowling's new book The Casual Vacancy and Florence King's Confessions of a Failed Southern Lady.  That's my to-do list for this blog.  It's coming.  It will come.  It's on the horizon.  Promise.  Especially now that the holidays are over.

Anyway.  I'm just checking in, so I remember not to forget this blog.